
Webinar “Δημιουργία ομάδων, αξιολόγηση και εκπαιδευτική αξιοποίηση ΤΠΕ στα projects/ Evaluation and ICT integration in project based learning”

On Monday 23 June 2014 a webinar entitled “Δημιουργία ομάδων, αξιολόγηση και εκπαιδευτική αξιοποίηση ΤΠΕ στα projects/ Evaluation and ICT integration in project based learning” was held in Greek. The webinar referred to the implementation & evaluation of cross-curricular projects with the integration of ICT with an aim to foster students’ key competence acquisition. Participants were given instructions on the dedicated TRANSIt Greek Community on Open Discovery Space portal
It was an introductory session; to the face to face pilot training workshops that will take place in Athens and Patras, Greece.
The recording is available here YouTube video.

The link to the event page in Google+ is here



Monday, July 28, 2014